Adam is 11 months old today. His first haircut is in a week and a half, he's got his 2 front top teeth cutting through, and he's "asking" for us to read to him and play with him now. Adam is growing so fast, and his "uh-uh" (uh-oh) is evidence that his personality is shining more than ever with his speech.
Today as Adam was playing, he periodically stopped to sob. Ugh, those teeth. I didn't get much done today since I chose to snuggle him when he was bummin'. Poor buddy.
His hair has been curly the last few days with the humidity. I will have to get pics of that, and spike it for pics before it gets cut. I'm gonna tie ribbons around his baby locks and save a few curls when it gets cut. I wonder if I'll cry.
Yeah, I'll probably cry...
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